Fresh Batches for IAS / PCS / HAS / HCS starting from 2nd JAN & 9th JAN | Course Delivery Options: Online & Offline. We are offering following optionals: Public Administration, Sociology, History,PSIR, Psychology. For registration call at 8699010909


1 Year:- GENERAL STUDIES + OPTIONAL SUBJECT +CSAT+ Support in other competitive exams, job tests plus college studies

2 Year :- 1st year – GENERAL STUDIES+ Support in other competitive exams, job tests plus college studies. 2nd year: – CSAT + OPTIONAL SUBJECT + REVISION OF 1st year+ Support in other competitive exams, job tests plus college studies

3 Year :- 1st year – GENERAL STUDIES+ Support in other competitive exams, job tests plus college studies 2nd year - OPTIONAL SUBJECT + REVISION OF 1st year+ Support in other competitive exams, job tests plus college studies 3rd year – CSAT + REVISION OF 1st and 2nd year+ Support in other competitive exams, job tests plus college studies