Fresh Batches for IAS / PCS / HAS / HCS starting from 20th MARCH | Course Delivery Options: Online & Offline. We are offering following optionals: Public Administration, Sociology, History,PSIR, Psychology. For registration call at 8699010909

#1 Institute for IAS Coaching in Chandigarh - DROANACHARYA - IAS

Anurag Bachan’s Dronacharya IAS has been in the field of imparting education, to the Civil Services aspirants, for about 12 years. Aligning with the requirements of the bureaucracy, we inculcate the right set of knowledge, skills and attitudes in our students to meet the demands of the system.

With over a decade of providing an in-depth, research and knowledge-based techniques,

The PCS Exam (Punjab Civil Services Exam) at recruiting prospective candidates 

The HCS Exam (Haryana Civil Services Exam) at recruiting prospective candidates 

The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission (HPPSC) is responsible for conducting 

General Studies for IAS, HCS, HAS, PCS Aspirants

Anthropology, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Punjabi, etc.


Basic base building for carving out the best future, for students of class 10th onwards

A sequence of matches, the results of which determine an overall winner or champion specifically a 

“Answer Writing Improvement Program for Mains”