Why in News?

The Multiple Indicator Survey was done covering the entire country in its 78th round of the survey.

The objectives of the Multiple Indicator Survey

  • To collect information for developing estimates of some important Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) indicators
  • To collect information Purchase/Construction of house(s)/ flat(s) by the household for residential purposes after 31.03.2014 and information on Migration.

Sample Design of Multiple Indicator Survey

  • The whole of the Indian Union was surveyed except for some villages of Andaman and Nicobar Islands which were difficult to access.
  • In this survey, Two Stage Stratified Sampling was used,
    • where First Stage Units (FSU) were villages/sub-units (SUs) in rural areas and Urban Frame Survey (UFS) blocks/SUs in urban areas. The FSUs were allocated to States and UTs in proportion to the population as per Census 2011.
    • The Second Stage Units (SSUs) were households in both rural and urban areas. The selection of FSUs and SSUs was done by Simple Random Sampling without Replacement (SRSWOR).

Sampling Method

Out of the total number of 14,516 FSUs allocated for the survey at the all-India level, a total of 14,266 FSUs (8,469 rural and 5,797 urban) were surveyed for MIS. The total number of households surveyed was 2,76,409 (1,64,529 in rural areas and 1,11,880 in urban areas) and a total number of persons enumerated was 11,63,416 (7,13,501 in rural areas and 4,49,915 in urban areas), at the all-India level.

NSSO 78th Round Report

The key findings of the survey have been incorporated in the form of a report titled: ‘Report on Multiple Indicator Survey, 2020-21’

Some Key Findings

Sl No

Item Description

Percentage (all-India)

Rural Urban All*
1 Percentage of persons reported to have improved source of drinking water 95.0 97.2 95.7
2 Percentage of persons who reported access to an improved latrine, among the persons who had reported access to latrine2 97.5 99.0 98.0
3 Percentage of persons reported access to hand washing facility with water and soap/detergent within the premises 77.4 92.7 81.9
4 Percentage of households using clean fuel as the primary source of energy for cooking 49.8 92.0 63.1
5 Percentage of persons of age 15-29 years were in formal and non-formal education and training for the 12 months preceding the survey 33.0 39.4 34.9
6 Percentage of persons of age 15-24 years not in education, employment or training (NEET) as on date of the survey 30.2 27.0 29.3
7 Percentage of persons of age 18 years and above who used mobile telephone with active sim card during the three months preceding the date of the survey 67.8 83.7 72.7
8 A percentage of households in rural areas reported the availability of all-weather roads within 2 km from the place of living 92.5
9 Percentage of households reported purchase/ construction of any new house/flat after 31.03.2014 11.2 7.2 9.9
10 Percentage of households reported purchase/construction of new house/flat for the first time, among the households which reported purchase/construction of any new house/flat after 31.03.2014 47.5 57.9 49.9
11 Percentage of persons having a current place of residence different from the last usual place of residence 26.8 34.6 29.1

Source: PIB