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11 April 2023: UN Democracy Fund


India, a founding member of UNDEF, has no issues with the Fund awarding money to NGOs supported by George Soros, even though Soros is on India’s radar.

UN Democracy Fund (UNDEF)

  • The United Nations General Trust Fund (UNDEF) was established by UN Secretary-General Kofi A. Annan in 2005 to support global initiatives to promote democracy.
  • The General Assembly commended it in the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document.
  • The only source of funding for UNDEF is voluntary government contributions.

Functions: UNDEF provides funding for initiatives that support human rights, strengthen civil society, and promote participation by all groups in democratic processes.

  • Most of the money from UNDEF is given to regional civil society organizations.
  • The Secretary General appointed the eight largest member governments as members of the advisory board, together with six more governments to offer broad geographic representation.
  • India has been a member of the board from the start.

Offering Grants:
From US$100,000 to US$300,000, support programs in the following areas are offered:

  • Empowering Women
  • Information Freedom and the Media
  • Human rights and the rule of law
  • Building Civil Society with Governmental Involvement
  • Youth Participation
  • India’s Financial Contribution

The UN Democracy Fund was founded in 2005 with help from the US and India, with the latter providing the fund with $5 million in its early years. But since 2012, India’s contributions to the UNDEF have decreased.