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24 March 2023: Vedic Heritage Portal

Vedic Heritage Portal:

  • The ‘Vedic Heritage Portal’ is created by the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) in New Delhi.
  • The government is securing the knowledge of India’s ancient scriptures and manuscripts for the future through the use of technology.
  • It will help to carry forward the knowledge of Vedas and Upanishads.
  • The IGNCA comes under the ambit of the Ministry of Culture.
  • The portal is a one-stop solution for common users and researchers seeking any information regarding ‘Vedic heritage.
  • Detailed information is given about oral and textual traditions in form of published books/manuscripts or implements.
  • The Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts is visualised as a centre encompassing the study and experience of all the arts. The arts are here understood to comprise the fields of creative and critical literature, written and oral; the visual arts, ranging from architecture, sculpture, painting and graphics to general material culture, photography and film; the performing arts of music, dance and theatre in their broadest connotation; and all else in fairs, festivals and lifestyle that has an artistic dimension.