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3 April 2023: Summit for Democracy 2023


President Joe Biden recently declared the start of his second Summit for Democracy.

Regarding the Summit for Democracy 2023:

  • The U.S. Agency for International Development is in charge of hosting it. (USAID).
  • Renewal of domestic democracy and opposition to autocracies overseas are the goals.
  • To support democratic renewal all over the globe, the US government is leading a Year of Action (YoA) and several summit events.
  • The Summit for Democracy as a Process is a one-of-a-kind chance to get people to pay attention and take action around the world.
  • The United States Agency for International Development’s second conference on democracy is currently taking place. (USAID).
  • It introduces fresh initiatives to advance democracy overseas, such as:
    • Executive Order on Democratic Renewal (PIDR)
    • Eight new projects from USAID are being added to the PIDR, many of which are geared toward policy changes.
    • The PIDR is made up of five areas of work that address some of the most important problems facing democracy in the 21st century.
    • This includes the Partnerships for Democratic Development (PDD) program, which helps countries make steady progress toward democracy over a number of years.
    • Nine nations have been named as PDD partners in the first phase by USAID: Timor-Leste, Zambia, North Macedonia, Ecuador, the Dominican Republic, Malawi, and the Dominican Republic.