Among the elite: On India at the G-7 summit

In this article we have discussed the various agendas of G7 summit and role of India in this group.

Why in news?

The Prime Minister of India is on a visit to attend the G-Seven (Group of Seven) summit. The Japanese government is organing this summit. It is being held in Hiroshima. The United States threw a atomic bomb in 1945 in Hiroshima. Hiroshima devastated in this bomb attack.

Several world leaders including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky are attending this conference. Russia-Ukraine conflict may be the primary issue in this meeting. Environment, Food security, Health, Gender equality and Democracy may be the other issues which can be discuss.

What is the Group – 7?

The Group 7, or formally called as G7 is an informal forum. It brings together the leaders of the world’s leading industrial nations. The member states are United States (US), United Kingdom (UK), Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Why the group formed?

The G-7 came into existance in 1975. At that time the world was suffering from the oil shock and financial crisis. Six leading industrial countries met for the first time to discuss the global economy. Canada joined the group in 1976 and Russia joined in 1998. The members countries suspend the Russia after the annexation of Crimea by Russia

The European Union (EU) is participating in the G7 since 1981. EU is participating as a “non-enumerated” member and president of the EU represents in this forum.

Why India is at G7 summit?

In the current summit, Japan is the hosting country and has invited India to participate in the summit as partner countries.

Argentina, Indonesia, Senegal, Germany and South Africa, and other nations on several occasions invited India.

Besides these, many international organizations also take part in the summit. The United Nations, World Health Organization, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, World Trade Organization are also participate in summit.

What is the major agenda of the summit?

The major burning point in summit would be the Russia-Ukraine war. Japan is very hard on Russia. Even Japanese evoy said that – Russia will have to “pay” for its war in Ukraine.

The other areas of discussion would be the strong alliances for a sustainable planet, sustainable investments, strong togetherness improving global health architecture, economic stability and transformation.

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