What are the friction points on the LAC?

The article describes the various friction points on the LAC ( Line of Actual Control )  between India and China. It emphasizes that despite the passage of three years since the 2020 standoff, achieving disengagement, de-escalation, and restoration of the pre-standoff situation remains a challenge.

what is the context?

The Line of Actual Control (LAC) between India and China has witnessed several friction points, which are areas of dispute and tension. India and China continue to face challenges in achieving disengagement, de-escalation, and restoring the pre-standoff situation in Eastern Ladakh, as the three-year mark since the 2020 standoff approaches. Multiple channels, including diplomatic, military, and political discussions, have been utilized to initiate the disengagement process at friction points along the Line of Actual Control (LAC).

1.Pangong Tso:

Pangong Tso, a high-altitude lake, is one of the prominent friction points along the LAC. The lake extends across both Indian and Chinese territories, with overlapping claims. Disputes have arisen due to differing perceptions of the LAC’s alignment, leading to confrontations between the two countries.

2. Galwan Valley:

Galwan Valley gained international attention in 2020 following a deadly clash between Indian and Chinese troops. This friction point lies in close proximity to the strategic Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldi (DSDBO) road, which is of immense importance to India for its connectivity in the region.

3.Depsang Plains:

Depsang Plains, located in the western sector of the LAC, is another significant friction point. The area has witnessed multiple standoffs between Indian and Chinese forces. Depsang Plains hold strategic importance due to their proximity to the crucial Daulat Beg Oldi airbase.


Demchok is another friction point along the LAC, situated in the eastern sector. This area has experienced intermittent tensions between India and China. Demchok holds strategic importance as it is the last inhabited village on the Indian side, serving as a crucial link to Ladakh.


Although Doklam is not directly along the LAC between India and China, it has been a significant friction point. Located in the tri-junction between India, China, and Bhutan, Doklam witnessed a standoff between Indian and Chinese forces in 2017. The dispute was primarily due to Chinese construction activities near the India-Bhutan-China border area.


Friction points along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) have been a source of tension and disputes between India and China. Friction points such as Pangong Tso, Galwan Valley, Depsang Plains, Demchok, and Doklam highlight the complex nature of the border issue. Resolving these disputes requires diplomatic efforts, dialogue, and mutual understanding to maintain peace and stability in the region.

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